Trust Companions
it is not about us
“a group of passionate people who are willing to discover new ways to create music and art and allow new kinds of expression through the human and with the universe”
“a group of people willing to trust and join something high that is seeking expression through people”
“a new generation of hope, vision and creativity firmly founded on trust”
“a platform of trust that opens a world of surprises, serendipity and revelations”
“an unknown mysterious arising of like‐minded spiritual travellers; its mission therefore cannot be fully defined except to say that its theatre of response is through the human arts and qualities and connections that liberate the best in people whether composer, player or audience”
This project came together when somehow, by some strange set of coincidences, or serendipity, different musicians and artists found themselves together at a summer festival in London in 2017.
We started to create together, to compose songs, to ask ourselves some really deep and searching questions about the world and nature of the times we are living through.
We asked ourselves, for example, what is the quality most needed in the world ? And we felt it was Trust ; trusting oneself, trusting one’s mind, body, spirit, building trust with others…
From that came some original new songs, new methodologies and arts. New ways of working together as a collective. We have since been gathering in different countries and when we gather there we try to connect to the land and our own senses. We are always collaborating with other artists and giving back something, for example in playing music in nursing homes or in a market or simply giving concerts