growing trust

It is the strongest, most resilient and natural binding agent on earth.

It is born of the marriage of purpose and realisation, and grown through the compelling attraction of kind to kind, friend to friend and the banishment of suspicion.

It gives cover, safety and a freedom for things to join that otherwise would always remain apart.

It begins with we, or you or me, in our very design as humans and our being. It itself can never be broken, for it travels here through the universe with a quiet insistence that all is well.

Its purity is protected by its healing presence, which will not allow life to be treated as lesser, for it cannot abide the warp of things thought or spoken which carry the taint of an untruth or intention of harm. For this is trust. And trust makes fertile the soil in which every other quality may grow.


That trust, between you and yourself – you and your whole complex of teeming forces, faculties, systems and organs – is the most natural relationship in the world. And yet to grow trust, a person needs to nurture this relationship with an ongoing appreciation and respect for one’s life and all that lives.

Withhold trust from another if you must, but leave the other free from your judgement. Yet to yourself, to all of the parts within your great complex, never withhold the trust, for to do so would be to begin the breakdown and undermining of everything that you are and can become.

Trust is a gift to be treasured, to be given away and to be replenished through your daily practice of it. And to grow that trust with others… together to catch the incoming wave of human evolution.

World Copyright © 2019 ‘trust companions’. Licensed to Eminent Productions Ltd.

trust villages

This is a vision. To re-discover a deeper trust in ourselves and amongst others which develops and frees our amazing faculties of spirit, mind, intuition, soul, instinct… To consciously grow this trust and let it spread far and wide, creating new villages and networks of people who can work together without fear, suspicion or politics. Thus to liberate perception, humanity and the freedom to be in the present.

Trust Fellowship

Formed up by people who naturally have been supporting and joining the endeavour we are in up close

Trust Communities

Trust companions being a global collaboration, trust communities are starting to form up in different places.


In the past two years different collaborations have been happening (more of the music soon to be released) 

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